Monday, July 19, 2010

Chu. Choo. Choose. Shoo. Shoes!


So, yesterday, my lovely decided to tell me she had a surprise for me while I was at work, at the beginning of my shift, even. And so that left me quite anticipatory. She left me a text message asking what time the Mall opened, and I told her. So that gave me a clue that she was buying something for me to wear. As I was clueless as to what the occasion was, once I finally got off work I headed to her place and found a square object tucked under the blankets of her bed.

"Don't sit there!" Whoops... I nearly crushed my surprise apparently, but it turned out to be okay. So there I was, staring at her, at this wrapped present like it was my birthday. On top of the box was this gorgeous birthday card with a kitty on the front. I read it, then attacked the box. Shoes! She wanted to celebrate my 21st birthday, on my half birthday since I didn't get to celebrate it the first time around. She wasn't around then (haven't met) and I was going through a tough time when I turned. So, it felt really nice that she put thought into it. I'm one lucky fella.

On another note! After all of these favors and commissions, I'll be doing some of my own concepts before school starts back up. So, hopefully I can get some good painting done before then. Anyways, that's all for now. Thanks for tuning in, if you did.


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